again today
the mother shows herself to the sun reclining as she’s always doing in her low places, and the ones that tower in her tangles and openings her flanks and back shine up and out because frost melts on her form even in this cold and it gleams, the slow sweat of her huge self her broad cheeks, her high forehead, her bony chin rise up in peaks and slopes her lovely old face rimed with glorious white whiskers of age attained sky fingers of light venture to approach her face and body her face and body both clothed and bare to the request of touch from above bushes and trees wave their bare arms to breathe for her and hold her tight her with their lacing wanting winding roots a few green blades of grass a remnant scrap of yellow leaves in a grove a handful of blood berries they all yearn into the light that collects around her mass they reach themselves singly and small into open air to be melted of white cage, to be liberated by light see them stretch in their desire to be shone through