Sometimes I realize that my poems are simply ways to praise others, whatever form they take. I am so blessed to witness the existence of my fellow beings. You all are so beautiful as you dance your lives through your years, over the land and sky and waters. I'm in love with the lot of you.
my dream receives a visitor fascinating spirit you walk into the gloaming land of my sleep you glide forth, from behind me you always surprise me now how can that be true when both your arrival and my response are so predictable? here it is, though, here I am in my dream prostration doing my thing and wham, a you-walked-on-my-grave drumroll of recognition rides up my spine as you arrive in your humility your gorgeous sumptuous attitude of tender, of firelight of honey gathered, of bloom and seed and you kneel on my right, gliding down to this plane I’m on joining my prayer or my worship or what am I doing here in this dream? anyway you descend and join my kneeling my bowing my laying low and see, oh look, oh my stars you come robed in the thickening blue purity of a clear-day sky that has found itself in the mood for evening's dark thoughts oh fascinating one as you kneel with me in common cause you are clothed both in heaven’s blue and the kind, sweet-hot light of open eyes your two eyes that kindle what they see your eyes that set fires where they wish oh reckless sky being please be careful where you aim them oh, never mind you know me, I am already beyond ashes I am combusted long since I am smoke I am powder, carbon soft as silk you know the beautiful old line: I am stardust so just breathe me as I commit to the prayers dreamed by a mote of dust, an ex-ember, a handful of soot
with thanks to Jonathan, to Jewel, to Alain
again I’m watching this world unfold itself too fast for me I'm watching the world become a hard hand quickly deciding to offer a rapid series of slaps rattling my cage yes, now that I think of it: a cage I want one to crawl into, and perhaps it could have a) water bowl b) blanket c) coherent, defensible world-view oh yeah I want that but I know I shall promptly upset my bowl, shred my blankie, and cower away from good sense right about the time I realize I am without tools and without tool kit and without empty pockets, even then I shall hunker down and feed myself on a discarded heap of my own heart muscle wrapped, as it is, around empty space I shall crouch and feed until I am fed right up I will not turn over or circle inside my bars or scratch at my floor until I have wrathfully, savagely eaten my nothingness heart out, fully completely irreversibly until I am quite sick on it stuffed with my nothing heart and in too deep all the way in, in well over my head then remembering that it’s the wild beasts who get put into cages, my wild blood, made homeless by my heart-eating, will finally boil and it will be time to rattle and roar from within my without and my howl shall not cease until you all break out before me come on come on come on jail break show me how it’s done Listen, hand, let go.
Peace like snow will sift into your new-emptied palm. Listen, heart, open. Swing your door wide to this not- easy-seeming thing. Rescued yet again. By deer's ear seal's eye tree's arms flick of lizard's dance |