The warm season is coming in a couple months. I would dearly love to practice awareness, expression, and self-regulation in spacious, gracious community, in the great wide open. I want to create a space given to sustained dedication to breath, body, sensitivity, and engaging with our non-human and human company on Earth (starting with our own internal presence). On good ground and in good time, I wish to freely focus on ways to be, and on ways to be in integrity, together: on relating.
Mukw’ stem ‘I’ utunu
tumuhw‘o’ slhiilhukw’tul
Everything on this earth
is interconnected
Thanks and honour to Jared Qwustenuxun Williams for sharing this Hul'q'umi'num' statement from Quw'utsun Hwulmuwh.
I would love to welcome you to 5Rhythms free-form movement practice, 10 - 11:45 am, select Sundays in May, June, August & September.
Each dance will include the possibility of relating to wisdoms offered by one of our earthly relations: elemental relations, plant relations, or swimming, flying, crawling, 4-legged or 2-legged animal relations. These classes are for all humans irrespective of culture, colour, creed, gender, sexuality, size,(dis)ability situation, life stage, health status, or financial circumstance. Providence Farm, Quw'utsun Territory, Duncan BC, in St. Ann's Garden, 1843 Tzouhalem Road.
These days I take my good news wherever I can, where it comes in grounded and runs clear. So I was something close to overjoyed recently, when out the window I saw the first swallows of spring darting over the brightening land. Swallow Return is a high holy day in my calendar. The fact that they choose to come back to grace the air as they feed and make families bodes well, in my book. They fill me with praise and a willingness to praise more.
On the 8th, I will get myself back to the garden, and I would love to welcome you to this outdoor time and space for your own movement to unfurl.
This is my third year offering outdoor 5Rhythms at Providence Farm. We've built layers of presence there as a morphing, responsive community. This spring, going back feels like a fitting seasonal migration. A meaningful return that I look forward to with a full and curious heart. I'm ready to return together to body absorption, expression, and rest in movement of all sorts. And to inventive, enriching, generous relating to space, place, each other, and our fellow beings.
For new folks: no experience or technique is needed. These classes are for all humans 13+. Humans of all cultures, colours, creeds. All genders, sexualities, sizes. All (dis)ability situations, life stages, health status, financial circumstances. No one turned away because of money. Chairs available for seated dance.
When's the last time you got an invitation to dance into depths, and it felt right to do it?
In Courtenay on June 25, I met people who chose to do it: to dance right through the cracks where the light gets in. Some of us felt our way slowly until immersion was upon us. Some skipped in light-footed. Some dove. I myself tripped into some walloping belly flops. When you move toward and through a surface, you never really know what you'll find beyond it. It takes heart to do it. To do it again and again takes a spirit that I admire greatly–– a spirit I witnessed in this group. Sincerity, curiosity, and integrity came through. These qualities of human sweetness navigate me back to Courtenay, to swim through more surfaces into movement connection.
Spirits open to the thrust of grace, never a breath you can afford to waste.
~ Bruce Cockburn
It's time to dive back into teaching. Practicing in movement with others is a way I say with my whole self: Please give me sweetness that's plain and real, that bubbles and pops and bubbles again. Let me be one who brings it, who breathes it. I’m on a pilgrimage for it. I'm practicing remembering that the whole point is all the roadside places where I can stop and smell the roses, hear the life in a voice, taste a mouthful of safe-to-drink water, feel something real, or see one of ten thousand goodnesses I’ve temporarily forgotten to acknowledge. I can stop and take one alive, self-tracking breath that makes a space where sweetness could get in. With this intent, on Saturday the13th in Courtenay, I’ll hold a day of movement immersion, exploration, reflection, and… how shall I say? Inventive, embodied rest.
The warm season is coming in a couple months. I would dearly love to practice awareness, expression, and self-regulation in spacious, gracious community, in the great wide open. I want to create a space given to sustained dedication to breath, body, sensitivity, and engaging with our non-human and human company on Earth (starting with our own internal presence). On good ground and in good time, I wish to freely focus on ways to be, and on ways to be in integrity, together: on relating.
Mukw’ stem ‘I’ utunu
tumuhw‘o’ slhiilhukw’tul
Everything on this earth
is interconnected
Thanks and honour to Jared Qwustenuxun Williams for sharing this Hul'q'umi'num' statement from Quw'utsun Hwulmuwh.
I would love to welcome you to 5Rhythms free-form movement practice, 10 - 11:45 am, select Sundays in May, June, August & September.
Each dance will include the possibility of relating to wisdoms offered by one of our earthly relations: elemental relations, plant relations, or swimming, flying, crawling, 4-legged or 2-legged animal relations. These classes are for all humans irrespective of culture, colour, creed, gender, sexuality, size,(dis)ability situation, life stage, health status, or financial circumstance. Providence Farm, Quw'utsun Territory, Duncan BC, in St. Ann's Garden, 1843 Tzouhalem Road.
These days I take my good news wherever I can, where it comes in grounded and runs clear. So I was something close to overjoyed recently, when out the window I saw the first swallows of spring darting over the brightening land. Swallow Return is a high holy day in my calendar. The fact that they choose to come back to grace the air as they feed and make families bodes well, in my book. They fill me with praise and a willingness to praise more.
On the 8th, I will get myself back to the garden, and I would love to welcome you to this outdoor time and space for your own movement to unfurl.
This is my third year offering outdoor 5Rhythms at Providence Farm. We've built layers of presence there as a morphing, responsive community. This spring, going back feels like a fitting seasonal migration. A meaningful return that I look forward to with a full and curious heart. I'm ready to return together to body absorption, expression, and rest in movement of all sorts. And to inventive, enriching, generous relating to space, place, each other, and our fellow beings.
For new folks: no experience or technique is needed. These classes are for all humans 13+. Humans of all cultures, colours, creeds. All genders, sexualities, sizes. All (dis)ability situations, life stages, health status, financial circumstances. No one turned away because of money. Chairs available for seated dance.
When's the last time you got an invitation to dance into depths, and it felt right to do it?
In Courtenay on June 25, I met people who chose to do it: to dance right through the cracks where the light gets in. Some of us felt our way slowly until immersion was upon us. Some skipped in light-footed. Some dove. I myself tripped into some walloping belly flops. When you move toward and through a surface, you never really know what you'll find beyond it. It takes heart to do it. To do it again and again takes a spirit that I admire greatly–– a spirit I witnessed in this group. Sincerity, curiosity, and integrity came through. These qualities of human sweetness navigate me back to Courtenay, to swim through more surfaces into movement connection.
Spirits open to the thrust of grace, never a breath you can afford to waste.
~ Bruce Cockburn
It's time to dive back into teaching. Practicing in movement with others is a way I say with my whole self: Please give me sweetness that's plain and real, that bubbles and pops and bubbles again. Let me be one who brings it, who breathes it. I’m on a pilgrimage for it. I'm practicing remembering that the whole point is all the roadside places where I can stop and smell the roses, hear the life in a voice, taste a mouthful of safe-to-drink water, feel something real, or see one of ten thousand goodnesses I’ve temporarily forgotten to acknowledge. I can stop and take one alive, self-tracking breath that makes a space where sweetness could get in. With this intent, on Saturday the13th in Courtenay, I’ll hold a day of movement immersion, exploration, reflection, and… how shall I say? Inventive, embodied rest.